The Inner North Report – 2021 was launched yesterday at Collingwood Town Hall, with over 80 local people braving the weather to attend.
This report is the first step in a program designed to bring about change for our community in the direction wanted by the community and implemented by our community.
The Inner North Report looks at “Who we are”. It uses recognized and reliable statistics to present a picture of the Inner North. It shows some of the great things about living, working and playing here but does not shy away from showing some of the things which could be better.
The report does not try to present a complete picture. The real answer to who we are does not come from statistics, it comes from conversations. Conversations among people with different perspectives, different vantage points, different understandings.
What we tried to create with the report was a conversation starter. One which raised more questions than it answered, which suggested the unseen or unrecognised and which intrigued people for what it doesn’t say. We hope it will start conversations at your place.
The next step will involve setting up the Inner North Community Panel consisting of 100 local leaders who will access the experiences of the 1000’s of their daily community contacts to identify what is currently working and what’s missing. At the end of the process, a priority list will inform future action.
The final step will be to respond to the direction provided by the community through local action projects.
This project has been initiated by a group of local organisations, with a view to create a better community in the long term based on understanding the issues which affect the quality of life in the North. It is conducted under the direction of a volunteer steering committee, as an Inner North Community Foundation initiative.
Find your copy of the Inner North Report here. (references are here) Want to get involved? Register today!